ROTARY SLANG Podcast • New Episode • 10/9

Update.. the new episode of Rotary Slang Podcast is running into some Technical issues in the middle of Merc Retro. With that being said..I have to postpone the streaming until everything is worked out. However..I encourage you to check out the first episode. Thank you for your patience…stay tuned.. #rotaryslangpodcast

Unique74 Presents: “Introspection” Behind The Scenes Documentary

This two part doc details the making of my latest release “Introspection” which takes place in LA and NY during the mixing phase of the release. The concept is the brainchild of Director Da’shon Is, Fuse Green and Darius Nathaniel. A special shout out to the #FunkySole Family!!

Over the weekend: Savoir Faire

Over the weekend, I had a chance to check out one of my favorite artists SAVOIR FAIRE at The Redwood Bar in DTLA!! I anticipated a pretty good show and as a result, he and the band delivered!! With a potent blend of Rock, Country, Funk and traditional feel good Rhythm and Blues, each numberContinue reading “Over the weekend: Savoir Faire”